BBShares Mega Cap Crypto Fund SP is a sub-fund designed for investors who are looking to diversify their portfolios with crypto assets. Similar to gold, Mega Cap Crypto Fund is a great hedging instrument which provides return uncorrelated with traditional assets.

Mega Cap Fund SP
Invest in cryptocurrency securely, reliably, transparently and in compliance.
Investment Scope
Large capital digital assets; digital currency futures.
Investment Strategy
Quantitative asset allocation; fundamental analysis; market timing Bitcoin futures hedging
Class A: No Fees / Class B: 5% Subscription & Tiering % Redemption
Investor Qualifications
Non-US qualified investors
Min. Investment
USD $100,000 for initial / $50,000 for subsequent subscription
Management Fee
2% Annually
Performance Fee
Lock Up Peroid
Class A: 6 Months / Class B: 6 Months
Draper Dragon Enhanced BTC Fund SP
Invest in cryptocurrency securely, reliably, transparently and in compliance.
BBShares Draper Dragon Enhanced BTC Fund SP is a sub-fund designed for investors who aims to capture the alpha returns from crypto market. Crypto market presents more alpha opportunities compare to traditional market; The Enhanced BTC Fund provides higher alpha returns uncorrelated with traditional assets.
Investment Scope
Large capital digital assets; digital currency futures.
Investment Strategy
The fund will allocate the portfolio capital among various quantitative trading strategies according to the market regime. The various strategies include: A) Quantitative strategy seeking price differences across multiple exchanges and crypto pairs to profit by arbitraging B) Quantitative trading strategies including CTA (mainly using charts, trend following and momentum indicators); AI; Machine Learning etc, to capture the investment opportunities of crypto exchanges and markets.
Subscription/ Redemption
No Fees
Investor Qualifications
Non-US qualified investors
Min. Investment
USD $100,000 initial subscription/$50,000 subsequent subscription
Management Fee
Class A: No Fees; Class B: 2% Annually
Performance Fee
0% - 50% p.a Benchmarked based on BTC performance during same calculation period
Lock Up Period
No Lock-Up
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